Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Gager Smith Family

Gager Smith was born January 01, 1765 in Preston, Connecticut. His father was Jonathan Smith and his mother was Mary Gager Fobes. He married Ascenith Tracy October 31, 1788 in Richmond, Berkshire, Massachusetts. Her father was Simeon Tracy and mother Lois Branch. These two families were in Richmond for about a number of years, both families originated from Preston, Connecticut. Simeon Tracy died in Richmond Dec. 16, 1802 soon after Seth Tracy (Asceniths brother) with his family and his mother Lois migrated to Whitestown, NY and from there portaged his goods and family around Niagara Falls, down the shore of Lake Erie during the day and camped on shore at night. They reached Grand River from there they went down the river to Windsor, Ohio and then came by land to Mesopotamia to claim the third plot of free land.
Back to Gager and Ascenith (Tracy) Smith, they also migrated to Whitestown, Oneida Co., NY and stayed there for a few years. In 1806 Seth Tracy advised and requested Gager and Ascenith to come to Mesopotamia with him. Gager and Ascenith had a big farm in Mesopotamia and on it still stands the Smith cemetery where Gager and Ascenith and other family members are buried. I visited this cemetery last year (2006) and was surprised to see the toll time has taken on it. It sits back in a corn field, now there is a rough road back to it. It has a stone fence around it, some old metal fencing in places and a lonesome pine tree. Gager Smith died in 1839 and is possibly the oldest marker in it.

Gager Smith
born: January 01, 1765 in Preston, New London, Connecticut
married: October 31, 1788 in Richmond, Berkshire, Massachusetts
died:February 19, 1839 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull Co., Ohio
Father: Jonathan Smith Mother: Mary Gager Fobes
Ascenith Tracy
born:February 19, 1839 in Preston, New London Co., Connecticut
died:February 12, 1854 in Mesopotamia, Trumbull Co., Ohio
Father: Simeon Tracy Mother: Lois Branch
  1. Almeda Smith
  2. Harvey Smith
  3. Whitney Smith
  4. Electa Smith
  5. Edmund Smith
  6. Lavillah Mariah Smith

1 comment:

deirdre hardway said...

I currently live on that farm and go up to the burying grounds alot, my kids love looking at all the old stones which theres ALOT now that you can not read. Thanks so much for that info. Ive always wondered about it.

Deirdre hardway